1. Activities related to relief and disaster risk reduction program monitoring.
2. Functions related to database storage, management and MIS of social security programs including VGF.
3. Coordination of all activities related to disaster risk reduction and emergency response management.
4. Undertake relief and rehabilitation activities by involving and coordinating various ministries, agencies, NGOs, local governments at all levels, social organizations (CBOs), civil society, all stakeholders in mainstream disaster risk reduction.
5. All activities related to the formulation, consent, administration, coordination and supervision of the Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation Program.
6. Social security programs such as TR, VGF, VGD, Kabikha / Kabita, EGPP, construction of rural infrastructure, risk reduction programs, approval of road maintenance programs and monitoring functions.
7. Construction and maintenance of small bridges / culverts, disaster resilient houses, cyclone shelters, flood shelters for disaster risk reduction.
8. Preparation and implementation of various developmental projects / programs related to this office.
9. Disaster damage assessment during disaster and sending detailed report in ‘D’ form.
10. Updating local disaster management committees in light of standing disaster orders.
11. Take remedial and precautionary measures in the event of earthquakes, collapse of installations, tsunamis, fires and other disasters that claim many lives.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS